About St. Mary’s Parish Church Choir
The choir is an integral and leading part of the worship at the beautiful Parish Church of St. Mary’s.
We are a mixed choir – males and females of literally all ages. The younger members are known as “choristers” and are rewarded with choir pay for their efforts!
St. Mary’s Choir Activities include:
- singing at regular main services on Sundays;
- singing at major seasonal services – e.g. Christmas Carol Services;
- singing at weddings, concerts, recordings and other special occasions;
- visits to other places to sing – most recently Exeter Cathedral; Tewkesbury Abbey; Chichester, Norwich, Hereford, Gloucester, Guildford Cathedrals;
- social events (e.g. ten pin bowling, skittles, meals and other outings).
Would You Like to Join the Choir?
- do you enjoy singing?
- are you interested in learning about music?
- do you enjoy working with others and are you a good team player?
- are you looking for inspiration (for yourself and others)?
Please get in touch (music.director@horshamstmarys.org.uk) as we are always delighted to welcome new singers of all abilities.
What Are the Rewards of Choir Membership?
to help lead the praise and worship at the historic and beautiful St. Mary’s;
- the opportunity to sing a variety of great music (old and new) in a wonderful setting;
- excellent musical training and development including RSCM courses and awards;
- be part of a friendly group with shared interests and a shared belief;
- for choristers – choir pay and additional bonuses from weddings etc.
– for more details please see the Church Choir Brochure
Rehearsal and Service Schedule
Regular Choir Practices:
- Choristers: Wednesdays 7.00 pm – 8.15 pm
- Full Choir: Wednesdays 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
- 1st Wednesday of the month: Retire to a local hostelry at 9.00 pm
Sunday Services:
Parish Eucharist (weekly) – 9.30 am rehearsal for 10.00 am service
- 2nd Sunday of most months – Evensong
- 5.00 pm approx. rehearsal before the service at 6.00 pm
- 4th Sunday of most months – Cathedral style Choral Evensong
- 4.15 pm rehearsal followed by tea and refreshments before the service at 6.00 pm
Choir holidays follow school holidays and half-terms as far as possible (apart from the festivals of Christmas and Easter).
For more information please contact Jeremy Weaver (Director of Music):
Email: music.director@horshamstmarys.org.uk
Mobile: 07396 767816.